
I was a founding member of the Doncaster and District Branch where I was branch teacher for over 30 years. I regularly taught at Retford and District Branch for over 20 years.  I  enjoyed the pleasure of teaching at St Andrews Summer School. I currently teach the Kirkcudbright Branch in Dumfries and Galloway.  Keith and I taught several Scottish Country dance holiday courses in Menorca.

One of my dances, ‘Silver Strathspey was published in the RSCDS’ Book 44 in 2004, Bethankit was published in Graded Book 3.

I have devised other dances some of which appear on this website, the remainder can be found in booklets I have published such as ‘Footnotes’. If you’re interested in ordering any of these booklets, please email me at moirastacey15@gmail.com – or follow the links provided below:

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Moira-Staceys-Scottish-Country-Dancing/621528384579715

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHHIL3GAHS9AlffPY9hF1g?app=desktop

I hope you enjoy using this website, Kind Regards,  Moira Stacey